Work With Me
The most important work I do is in guiding you to remember who you are, why you are here, and what's yours to do.
I believe you came here, at this time, for a very specific purpose.
I also believe that your Family Wealth is a huge part of that. The true legacy of the inheritance you have received – far beyond money, although money may be part of it – is to heal and evolve the parts that have made you into who and what you are today.
Your internal and external conflicts with yourself, your family, your business partners or co-workers, with money, work, how you get paid, how much you get paid, how you use your time, how you don’t use your time – all of it – point to exactly what is here for you to heal and evolve, so you can live into the fullness of your potential.
Before the work you do for money. Before the work you do for your personal purpose. Before the work you do on your romantic relationship. There is this work to do. And it holds all of your answers.
I call this work the work of discovering your Family Wealth, and it’s all about discovering where you came from, who you really are, why you are here, and what is yours to do.
If you would like to explore the possibility of discovering your Family Wealth with me, so you can create a life worth living and a legacy worth leaving, send me a message here:

“Each human cell in our body has 2 intertwined strands of DNA. One from our mom & one from our dad. The extent to which we feel complete and resolved around love from and for our parents, influences the level to which our cells feel whole & right. No amount of personal growth, altered states, transformation or meditation can make the cells in your very being feel integrated, if we cannot access the love to & from our parents. Our connection to our parents is the original portal to life itself. It’s how we link into the great chain of being. If we can find what’s sacred in the connection with our makers, we’re more in touch with our divinity.”
– Annie Lalla